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Lucid dreaming

Dernière mise à jour : 27 avr. 2020

Have you ever thought of directing your dreams?

It’s not about interpreting your dreams but how to direct them. Hervey de Saint-Denys (1822-1892) is considered as a pioneer in that field. As a scientist he made experimentations on his own sleep during 32 years being aware of his state of consciousness and unconsciousness. His observations led him to develop lucidity within his own dreams and ‘partially mastered their directions’. It means that you can lead your dreams wherever you want them to go! Quite interesting, isn’t it?

Already know this book? Already experimented lucid dreaming? Don't hesitate to share your experience with us.



In French, Hervey de Saint-Denys, Les rêves et les moyens de les diriger. Observations pratiques. Oniros editions, 1995.

In English, Hervey de Saint-Denys, Dreams and the ways to direct them. Practical observations. Edited by Drs. Carolus denBlanken & Drs. Eli Meijer, in pdf.

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