Isn't it the question to ask yourself in that time of captivity?
As humans living in a ruled world, we're used to follow laws and regulations made by humans before us to try to live in harmony with our kind. Today the population is asked to stay at home and avoid contact with the others in order to keep it in good health and to save lives when some others think that is just a worldwide plot against people set up by all governments of all countries to maintain populations in a kind of fear and servitude, a way to kill individual liberties.
No illusion. We are all disciplined and shaped by rules, controlled by school, work companies, the state, the Church, prison, army. Michel Foucault described really well the system in Discipline and Punish. The Birth of Prison and Fergus Quinlan in The Republic of Reason & The Poverty of Philosophy brings to light what is a society still ruled by the Church.
What is your opinion about all that?
By reading your text, which is pleasant to read because of its conciseness and depth, and by reading everyone's comments, escape seems to be a valuable accomplice.
Earth Letters. Sylvain.
Hello everyone ! I love your blog !
I like the idea of a blog about mind, spirit, ... and my opinion about freedom: we are free in a world closed like animals in nature reserve (animals that think they are free when not)
Thank you to all of you
Thanks for your comment Paul,
Indeed, we all know we’re not physically free because we’re prisoners of our own planet so maybe the most important thing is to have mind freedom.
A question full of doubt very interesting as I like them. I think people are happy this way and they are much more conformist than they imagine. I don't think it's good to step out of line, to be generous, to be a little bit or a lot different. So if the question is: Are they free?Answer: No, but at least they exist in a community. Am I free ? Yes but alone. :)
Thanks for this moment !